Saturday, November 1, 2008

Palin, Media, and Political Correctness--Part 1

My goal has been to write a Blog that is about positive things. I never wanted to be controversial or political. Today and tomorrow I will make exceptions because something has happened that is so bothersome, I can’t, in good conscious, ignore it. Please forgive me, knowing that I am speaking from my heart.

I hope that you will agree that misogyny is wrong—just as racism is wrong—always. Misogyny is the showing of hatred toward women. The end does not justify the means.

In 1984 Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman to run as a Vice President of the United States. The Republicans, for the most part, took the high road. She was not openly criticized for her sex. She had not run a state, but she was considered competent all the same. There was one event, however, that I did find discouraging. I believe it was in Houston when a microphone was left on that George Bush, senior (then V. P.) mentioned that after a debate that he had kicked Ferraro’s behind—though that was not the word the Texan would use. I found the comment so filled with misogyny that I lost a great deal of respect for him.

Now we have a new woman running for Vice President for the United States. I was sure that we were more enlightened than we were in the 1980s. How could her sex be an issue? In a country that was so filled with political correctness, I was sure she wouldn’t be asked about things like, “who would care for the children.” No one asked a male candidate that. Naturally she would use caregivers, just like every other working mother in the U. S. They wouldn’t treat her like some bimbo. She has run an entire state—which is far more experience than some other candidates. This isn’t the 1960s. The media would treat her respectfully. We are a politically correct society.

Boy was I wrong.

Could hate language be fueling a propaganda machine against a woman who had the courage to live the American dream? Could it be that the powers that flood our TV are filled with misogyny? That would explain the fixation with stiletto shoes.

As these thoughts filled my mind I viewed the Obama/wink commercial. This was far worse than anything Bush Sr. said about Geraldine Ferraro. This single commercial set women back to the days of Women’s Suffrage and made me physically ill. How could an attractive woman know anything about politics? The commercial might as well have had the caption read: Don’t worry your pretty little head honey. Let the men take care of the country.

Tomorrow I will have thoughts about this topic from individuals with more political savvy that me. These comments will be references. Thank you for indulging me.

1 comment:

It's not about me said...

I agree. When Palin was asked who would watch the children - I didn't believe I had heard the question right. I thought there would be a ton of blowback from the feminist groups about that question, but no. So, feminist care about the equality of women as long as those women are liberals? I not only thought the question was demeaning to Palin, but also discrediting to her husband.