Friday, November 7, 2008

A Nation's Healing

I think we have all had some time to catch our breaths after the U. S. Presidential election. Whether we are happy with the results or not, the election is over. We must accept it and move on. We would expect the other side to have done the same if they had lost.

This was an emotional election. There was a lot of passion from the Democrats and Republicans. This got me to thinking about the transition of power in other countries. In my lifetime I have heard news reports of violent take-overs of governments in various parts of the world. Arms, hostility, civil war decided government leaders instead of free elections. Yes, we did have a civil war that caused great suffering, but it didn't overthrow the Republic.

Even when the Presidency is interrupted by death, assassination, or impeachment, the anarchy is held at bay. The baton is passed to the Vice President and the work of the government goes on.

Whether I like the results of the election or not, I am thankful to live in a stable country. Let's commit to praying for this country and its leaders. Let us pray that this stability will remain.


lynnmosher said...

Toni, I'm a little late getting to this. It's adds to the list of great posts on the election. I'm glad we're on the same page. Blessings to you...

Toni Mabry said...

Thanks for the comment. I think that negativity is only going to be counter-productive.