Monday, October 20, 2008

Pratical Economic Advice

When I'm under the weather on Sunday, I make a point to watch specific ministers on TV. These are members of a variety of denominations, but they all feed my spirit.

One of my favorite ministers to watch on TV is Rev. Sandy Wilson, pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN. On October 19, 2008, a sermon about the current financial crisis aired on TV. Some of the things Sandy Wilson said truly eased my mind. I thought he gave very wise council. I will not quote Rev. Wilson, or try to summarize his sermon, but I would like to pass on some of his advice about how to get through some of the hard economic times ahead.

1. Anger over those who brought this economic hardship about is useless. It will keep our focus from the things we can control.

2. Worry won't change our financial situation. It won't add a cent to our checkbook and it will only cause us health problems.

3. We must be good stewards over what we have. Whether God give us much or gives us less, we are still responsible to make good financial decisions.

4. We must have a thankful, worshipful heart. God loves us. He may use the limited resources to mold us or our family in ways we can't imagine.

Scriptures used in this sermon are verses we all know. Matthew 6:25-31 is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells the people to look at the birds in the air and the lilies in the field. If God cares for them, He will more surely care for His children. I might suggest reading all the way to verse 34. It is a very comforting set of scripture.

It is important for Christians to make wise decisions about our finances, to accept and be thankful to God for what we have, and to reach out and help other Christians whenever we can.

We should also be aware of and try to find resources to help others in our community.

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