Saturday, March 21, 2015


I've been thinking a lot about challenging myself, lately. Occasionally, I get the courage to do something new, different. The past couple of days I've been doing things that are a break to my normal routine or pattern, doing things that might not work out the way I like. 

I started out yesterday by scheduling an appointment to do my taxes. Tax time is a gut wrenching experience for me. I never understand how one year I can get a refund and the next have to pay in taxes. It's like spinning a wheel in Vegas. Some years I win and some years I lose. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the experience.

This year I got a refund. Whew. I survived the ordeal.

That gave me enough courage to move onto another challenge, a haircut. I wanted to go really short, experiment with several styles before my son, Adam's wedding. It was a little scary to watch the hair dresser chopping so close to my scalp, but I encouraged him to "Go short." I like my new cut because it is different. I won't get the same cut next time, but the experience turned out well and the cut is nice. I survived again.

Today I went to the YMCA for my work-out. I decided I needed a new challenge to my exercise routine. I wanted to try a vertical elliptical machine, as well as my horizontal one. Since I still have some stiffness and pain in my left leg, this is a challenge. The trainer suggested a machine (an arc elliptical) that I was able to mount and work on for a few minute. It was difficult, a challenge, but again, I survived.

I hope this will encourage you to challenge yourself and try new things. If you try, you'll accomplish more than you expect. 

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