Saturday, January 29, 2011


I decided to change up my exercise routine a bit, and get involved with strength training. I made my appointment with a trainer for 10:45 a.m. on Saturday morning. If you know me, I like to stay in my pajamas till noon on Saturday. For me to be out and about at 10:45 was a BIG deal, but I was determined to learn this new routine. After all, short sleeve season is arriving soon.

As I drive down the highway, with plenty of time to spare, I suddenly see that an 18-wheeler put on the brakes and then realized I was in for a long, long wait. Construction on Interstate 40. Need I say more? Oh, yea, thanks TDOT.

So I waited and waited and waited. The engine began to overheat, but traffic still barely moved. It was time for my training session to begin, but I was stranded.

It seemed like the story of my life.

Then I got to my training session and still more waiting. Since I was late, the trainer had to split her time between me and another member. I exercised and waited, exercised and waited. I understood. After all, I was the one who was late. In the end, I only got to learn how to use 1/2 of the equipment before the session ended.

On the way home I stopped at the post office to mail a letter. On the way, I had to sit through several traffic lights, waiting for funeral traffic. I was now weary of waiting. Yea, I know. It was a funeral procession and I was pretty low down to become impatient.

That was when I remembered this was supposed to be my week to be waiting on the Lord. Be still and know I am God.

It is such a difficult thing to be still, to wait, and to be patient.

I'll have to try harder.

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