Sunday, August 31, 2008

Magi Journal: Entry 1

The Departure

“I pray you will find what it is you seek.”

I looked into the dark, troubled eyes of my wife, Hend. I knew she feared I would not return. What could I say to ease her mind? Would this trip take months--years? I did not know.

I have too many unanswered questions to attempt to calm her mind. We do not know our destination, or even the person we seek. We only know that we are compelled to follow a sign.

“Try not to worry,” I whispered, moving close to embrace my love. “We will travel in a large caravan for safety.”

Hend’s eyes could pierce my thoughts and I could give her no more comfort. As I held her tightly, I heard the rapid pounding of her heart. I must speed my departure or I will never leave my family.

I turned to hug each of my daughters and instructed them to obey their mother. I reminded my sons that it was their task to protect and care for all the women. I left my oldest son, Zechariah, in charge of the family business.

I looked long and hard into the face of my son. He has known, all his life, that this day might come, that someday I may abruptly leave him in charge to take this journey.

--But what of me? I am not a young man and it grieves me to leave the comforts of my home, my family, and my daily routine. This is a trip for one so much younger than I.

When I start this journey I will follow a star and be at the calling of its creator. I will no longer make the decisions about my own well-being, but will surrender my will to another. If I could, I would hide in my house and pretend that none of the circumstance of the past few weeks had transpired.

I signed, turned from my family, and mounted the stallion. My destiny was decided long before I was born. I must accept this task, join my companions, and follow the star.

* * * * *

Scriptures for Meditation

Psalms 63:1-2

Jeremiah 29-13

1 comment:

sue said...

hi, that was so great. thanks for sending me the link to it.
that sure is something to think about isn't it?
I sure wish I knew destination in life is and what my purpose in life is all about. I know it is not about me though. I mean I know there is a reason for everything, I just wish I knew why we are in Tn. where we are. Unless it is for me do a neighborhood watch here.
I just try to go with the flow of things and take one day at a time.