Saturday, August 30, 2008

Magi's Journal


Christmas carols played on the car radio. My son, Adam, and I rushed down the highway for last minute shopping before stores closed for the evening. I tried to avoid the most traveled road, hoping to make better time on the highway.

“A star--a star--shining in the night. . .,” the radio played. I sang along. I always do.

“Here’s a cool thought,” my son began. I think he was trying to distract me from my singing. I noticed he was staring out the window and into the starry sky. “Wouldn’t it be something if an Indiana Jones type archaeologist found some scrolls, written by the Wise Men. I’d like to know what they were thinking while they were following the star.”

Instantly, I slowed the car and stared at my son.

“A journal,” I exclaimed. “What a great idea. What would a Magi’s journal say?”

Adam grinned at me and asked, “Are you about to write a new book?”

* * * * *

There are no known records left by the Magis (or Wise Men). There are only theories about who they were or what prompted their interest in a Hebrew King. My research resulted in the journal of a fictional Magi, Zachariah. I particularly intriguing is the theory that the Magis might have been part of the same group that Daniel (the Old Testament prophet) joined after being captured and moved to Babylon--now called Iraq. Daniel was renamed by his captors, Beltheshazzar.

The theory suggests that perhaps Daniel’s or Beltheshazzar’s beliefs in the God of the Hebrews so inspired his group of Magis that they passed down Daniels teachings throughout the generations. When later Magis saw the star, they recognized this as being part of the coming of the Messiah, as Daniel/ Beltheshazzar had foretold.

Coming post will feature this fictional Magi's Journal.

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