Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lost Facebook Access

I haven't posted in awhile, mainly because I have been trying to fix my account with Facebook. For whatever reason, I can no longer access my Facebook account and since there is no way to contact a human, I am unable to find out what is wrong or fix the account. I have tried everything, only to be continually frustrated.

It appears that I may have to open a new account, but I don't know how I can close the first one. This is s-o-o-o frustrating. If anyone has had this problem, please let me know.


Lorrie said...

There you are!! One of my friends had her account closed so she opened a new one. About 2 weeks of having the new one the old one came on again! Very frustrating. Don't forget to re-friend me if you open a new one! You are missed...:-)

Lorrie said...

Your account is still accessable to others.. I wrote on your wall hoping you will be able click your way via a notification link..

Toni Mabry said...

This was crazy! I thought I would have to open a new one, too. I wanted to concentrate on my proposal. Maybe Facebook was too much of a distraction.