Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Pilgrims were a serious group of individuals, believing in the virtue of hard work. They weren't big on telling jokes, having parties, or other such vain endeavors. Maybe that is why it was so remarkable that they would take three days to celebrate the end of the harvest that first Thanksgiving. The community came together to celebrate. Work was postponed (with the exception of the women cooking & cleaning up) till another day.

That is why I am a bit dismayed.

Communities no longer make the time to stop and reflect on their good fortune. True--hospitals, gas stations, and some restaurants have always stayed opened during the holiday. Yet, recently, I have noticed other businesses now remain opened most of Thanksgiving Day. Other families are forced t0 rush through a meal, unable to really reflect or fully rejoice.

We must stop and take a moment to be grateful, whether we are obliged to work, or whether we are fellowshipping with family and friends.

I wish joy to all.

Don't get me started on Black Friday.


Lorrie said...

Love your last remark about Black Friday!

I agree with you Toni. Happy happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :-)

Toni Mabry said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.