Thursday, August 6, 2009

An Emotional Week.

This has been a very emotional week! One minute I am working at a daycare center. The next I am preparing to teach in a classroom.

Tuesday was my last day at the daycare center. As stressful as that job was, as difficult as it was to stay motivated when you knew you weren't going to be paid enough to keep up with the bills, it was still hard to leave. I especially thought my job with the babies was important. I know that interacting with them was important to stimulating their little minds.

The staff lured me out of the school age classroom and the kids were proud that they kept my little party a secret. Some even cried about my leaving. I cried too.

Then the next day, there I was moving crates of supplies to my new classroom. It is all so surreal. I know I will soon be as attached to these kids as I was to the ones at the center. I will have a little more control of my world at this job.

I am hopeful.

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