Sunday, December 27, 2015


I was listening to one of my favorite local ministers on TV this morning. The service ended with a few Christmas carols. It caused me to think. For some reason I didn't hear many carols on Christmas 2015. Oh, sure, there was the church musical and a local radio station playing 24 hours of music, but I didn't hear music in the neighborhood as I have in the past. Maybe the difference is because, for the first time in over 25 years, I didn't spend Christmas in a classroom.

Maybe, I didn't notice the singing because many close to me are going through hardships.

I've been through my own share of hardships and have had a string of about 7 difficult years in a row, hopping from one job to the next. I've also had my share of medical issues.  It definitely strengthened my faith.

2015 brought many positive changes. I started the year in such severe pain that, for awhile, it affected my ability to work. Even after I was able to work, my home was in disarray because housework was out of the question. Bills were piling up, too.

Now, things have improved.  The house is slowly returning to normal and I have a new, full time job with benefits. My book trilogy, Friends of Scrapbook, Etc. had gone from an eBook trilogy to paperback. Now, that was unexpected.

There was also a wedding in the mix. My son, Adam, married his sweetheart, Ariel.  The downstairs is renovated into their own apartment and my household is full of energy.

As for 2016? I am facing it with more confidence than I have had in awhile and am claiming Jeremiah 29:11 as my verse for this year.

I am happy.

I wish good fortune on those around me that are going through their own struggles. May God bless us all with a Happy New Year.

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