Sunday, August 2, 2015


One of the first Bible verses I learned as a child was, "... it is more blessed to give than to receive," Acts 20:35. I wasn't sure I knew what the word "blessed" meant, just that it was a good thing. I didn't know how how it could be better to give away things than to get them. I liked presents, a lot.

Still, I learned to share what I had; toys, snack, my bedroom. In a large family, sharing is a way of life. I didn't find much of a blessing in it at all.

When I became an adult, the idea of generosity changed. As I developed political views, I was distressed by the idea of poverty and inequality in the world. Shouldn't governments distribute wealth more equally?

The New Testament doesn't focus on governments or politics so much as in the individuals' response to his fellow citizens. We should show kindness and love to others.

--So if we pay our taxes, vote for the right person, and become politically active, have we done our duty?

I am reminded of one of my favorite Christmas stories, A Christmas Carol. Ebeneezer Scrooge is asked to donate money to help the needy. He responds that he has payed his taxes and they provide services to care for the poor. That should be enough.

It isn't. Governments are wasteful, full of bureaucracies, and are at best inefficient at getting a job done. Individuals in their own communities can do a much better job.

--But from a Biblical perspective, that isn't even the issue. Something happens to an individual when he shows generosity on a personal basis. That one-on-one contact between the giver and receiver makes something happen. Just as Scrooge was changed by learning about the needs in his community and becoming a part of the solution, we too, are changed.

Our generosity doesn't have to be great. Most of us are people with modest means. We can make a difference by sharing change so someone may purchase a burger at a fast food restaurant. It might be important to help another at the check-out line at Kroger. We might donate time by mowing the lawn of someone who can't do it himself. Ways to show kindness are limitless.

I am fortunate enough to be active at a church that is involved with several programs in our community. Some are based around annual occasions, the beginning of the school year and holidays. Others have been disaster relief efforts or volunteering with service organizations. I feel different after participating in these event. Seeing a teenager tear up after receiving his first birthday cake, changes both people involved.

I didn't understand as a child, but as an adult I do realize that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

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