Saturday, July 13, 2013


I spent an amazing day with my singles class at a Boys Ranch. The boys, ages 10 to 18, live about 6 to a cabin, along with a married couple and their children. It is like a large family unit.

We committed to monthly birthday parties for the boys and today's unusually mild weather made the cookout most successful.  As the food grilled the boys were eager to talk to the adults. They shared their summer schedule, up by 7:00 and off to work on the farm by 8:00. Then a 2 hour lunch break, then back to work by 4:00 or 5:00.  They didn't seem to mind.  Hard work was rewarded.

Just before we ate, one of the cabin parents shared that the cow had just given birth to a calf. A few of the boys were called to help and the rest of us could see the calf after the meal.

After everyone was full of burgers, hot dogs, and chips, there was birthday cake and ice cream. When we sang to the two teens who had July birthdays, both looked emotional.  This meant something to them.

Then we saw the cow and calf.  Both looked beat, but soon the calf was stretching his legs and learning to walk. What a perfect place to teach a boy to grow into a man.

At the end of the day one of the boy was helping me carry my lawn chairs to the car. As he chattered about the ranch, I asked, "How long have you lived here?"

"A year and a half," he replied.

"You really like it here, don't you," I continued.

With a big smile he said, "Yes. It's home."

I guess that's what we all want, home.

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