Saturday, January 1, 2011

Assessing Resolution 2010

I made 2 specific resolutions in 2010, to improve my situation 1) health wise and 2) financially. My Sunday School teacher, Al, shared how he mailed a letter to himself midway in the year to remember his resolution. I thought that using my blog might be more helpful to keeping me on track.

Now it is time to assess how well I did in keeping those resolutions.

The bad news first

No matter how I tried, I am not fairing any better financially at the end of this year than at the beginning. In fact, in the past few months my part-time work has been almost non-existent. Well, according to news reports, the economy is supposed to be improving. We'll see.

Now for the good news:

After several doctor's visits and test, I received a diagnosis and a therapy program for a medical problem. A big part of that involves regular exercise at a wellness center. The result are:
  1. I have more energy.
  2. I am stronger and can walk better.
  3. I have lost between 16 to18 pounds and my clothes are fitting better.
  4. I generally feel better.
  5. My blood pressure is better than it has been in years.
So, one of my resolutions went very well, while the other--not so much. After thinking about it--a lot--I decided to keep the same resolution for 2011.

Wish me luck.

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