Saturday, September 19, 2015


I'm always the one late to the party so I just went to see War Room Saturday. I found the movie well written, the acting was good, and the characters seemed true to their personalities. I say that because many religious movies lack those qualities. I laughed and I cried. On one occasion I was laughing while I cried.

While I watched the movie I thought back to my own marriage. Yes, I spent a lot of time trying to fix my husband, but I did also pray for him. I do believe in free will so I know my prayers do not have the power to make someone do my will. Prayers are not about making God give me what I want, either.War Room was all about prayer and how prayer is important in relationships.

Not every marriage can be saved by prayer, but prayer will make the praying person stronger, so that he/she might more easily survive the inevitable. Prayer is always the best choice.

My son will soon marry and I suggested that he and his fiance watch the movie, War Room so they can start the marriage right. I guess that is the best possible recommendation I can give the movie.

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